This guide will provide detailed information about each of the different fields and settings of the Backtrack Settings in the General Settings tab of the Aitum Vertical plugin.

What is backtrack anyways?

If you aren’t familiar with what backtrack is or what it does, it works in the same way as the OBS Studio Replay buffer.

It saves a short portion of the stream in memory, based on the Backtrack Recording Length. So if the length is set to 15 seconds, then the last 15 seconds of the stream will always be available to be saved at any given moment.

This can be triggered via the blue Backtrack button on the Vertical canvas, the Save Backtrack Hotkey or more easily with the Aitum app using a simple action!

Feel free to check out the Aitum App at and ask us in Discord about how you can use it to make streaming easier for you and more engaging for your audience!

Backtrack Always On

Default Value: Unchecked (Off)


This checkbox will allow Backtrack to be active at all times, whether or not you’re streaming or recording with the Vertical plugin.

This can be useful for creating short form content clips quickly without needing to be live or actively recording with Vertical.

<aside> 🚨 Note: Having Backtrack always on will count as an encoding session in OBS. In other words, it will prevent you from being able to change any Streaming or Recording settings in both the Vertical Plugin and the Main OBS settings.


Visual representation of Backtrack Always on setting, as well as demonstrating the use of the Backtrack Clip button.

Visual representation of Backtrack Always on setting, as well as demonstrating the use of the Backtrack Clip button.

Backtrack Runs While Streaming/Recording

Default Value: Checked (On)
